Automatic Appointment and Reservation Reminders and Confirmation Requests by SMS or IConfirm app.

Estimate how much you could save..

Estimate how much you could save..

Bookings per day
Revenue per appointment
Average no shows per day
Average revenue lossed
Average daily saving
£{{saving() | number:2}}
*Average savings take account of reduced no-shows, messaging costs and early cancellation warnings.

What it does

  • Provides a clear and simple to use appointment manager
  • Sends automated confirmation requests by Text/iMessage or the IConfirm App at your times of choosing.
  • Shows you customer responses by Text/iMessage or IConfirm immediately
  • Remembers customers' booking history

How we help

  • Reduce No Shows for your bookings
  • Save you time contacting customers for confirmation
  • End the practice of sending text reminders with no feedback
  • Give you time to fill late cancellations
  • Highlight persistent no-show customers
  • Provide you with a way to send targeted special offers directly to your customers (opt in required)


  • Free to use appointment scheduler
  • 5p per confirmation sms message
  • 1p per confirmation sms reply
  • 1p per confirmation message to IConfirm app
  • Free confirmation reply via IConfirm app
  • All pricing in UK sterling.


  • A set of APIs to allow you to integrate your existing booking system with the IConfirm app or two-way SMS.
  • email for more details.




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{{}} ({{sapp.time}})

Meeting Room 2: 4.00pm

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